Monday, September 16, 2013

First Day is Done

The camp staff had a meeting off site on Friday, so it was better for them that we arrived on Thursday and got to review the tasks they’d like us to work on.  We then had Friday to do a little shopping and find some local things to do.  Another part of our crew arrived mid afternoon on Friday and, since this is their first project, we had a chance to meet with them and introduce them to Nomads.  The rest of our team came in on Saturday: Bill and Ogie (whom we have worked with last winter) and Kelly (another first-timer).  Something unique to this group is that all of us live full-time in our motorhomes (no one has a house to tie them down).  

We had time to get to know each other on Saturday and Sunday which was helpful, as our first day was quite busy.  We sure got a lot done in only one day.  Mainly a cabin was stripped for remodeling.

Stacks of mattresses were moved
Bunks were dismantled

Shelves were emptied
Interior walls were stripped to the studs

Mike and Dorothy also completed a small roofing project.

After we called it a day, there was time for a short nap before dinner.  The soreness of the first day aches and pains is sinking in while Paige watches Dancing with the Stars.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you keep this blog. Though I don't comment often, I thoroughly enjoy reading about your adventures. Please keep the posts coming!!
