Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Back on the Road

After almost 10 weeks in Arizona, we left today to cross into California.  We had originally planned to get on the road earlier but a couple of issues delayed things.  First, we crunched a basement door on the motorhome just before getting into Phoenix.  The RV shop near Paula and Tom’s place can handle the replacement but the lead time for parts meant we would have to stay after our service project in January.  Then we learned that they had ordered the wrong replacement door and won’t have the right one available until March, when we have to be in California.  We have re-scheduled that repair for early April after we tour Los Angeles with our grand-daughters (their Christmas present from us).

We chose to stay in Arizona longer in order to attend an informal Nomads gathering back on the 3rd.  There, we met a few fellow Nomads we have worked with before and also many new friends.  “Plan B” was to stay in the Phoenix area to watch the Super Bowl on TV during the 4th and the leave for California the next day.  But it didn’t work out that way.  Medical issues Saturday night meant Bob had to spend Sunday morning at an Emergency Room getting a catheter installed.  “Plan C” had us staying to meet with a Urologist on Wednesday to plan a course of action and to return on the 12th to have the catheter removed.  Our planned 2 weeks of sightseeing around southern California has been reduced to 2 days.  We now plan to arrive near our next project on Thursday and meet with our local contact on Friday to review the work they would like us to do over the next 3 weeks.  The rest of our team should arrive on Saturday.

This area is known for its production of vegetables; today we saw a lot of cabbages being harvested by hand and also saw large fields of onions.

Our planned sightseeing will be to look around the border area of Calexico tomorrow, as well as checking out the Blue Angels’ winter practice area in the desert north of us.  On Thursday we will head north up the Imperial Valley, along the Salton Sea and into the Los Angeles area.

We would like to ask any readers out there to contact us, either by phone or email to let us know you are still out there.  Should we continue to update this blog?