The nearest large city is Mobile
AL , at the head of the Bay. This city, and its port terminal, was chosen
as the place where Carnival is having their cruise ship “Triumph” towed for
repairs. The local TV is hyping this towing
as “The Cruise Ship Crisis” where the passengers are “trapped on board”. Personally, I think they are no more trapped
now then when they left Galveston . It’s just that they had propulsion and
electrical power when then entered the Gulf of Mexico ,
and they don’t now. So it’s been a
longer trip for them, and less comfortable, but crisis is way too strong a word
to describe their misfortune. For more details,
Before dinner this evening we went back to the shore and got
some photographs of the huge ship across the bay
We were about 10-12 miles away, so you can just imagine how big
this vessel is: fourteen stories high and carrying 4200 people.
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