Saturday, December 8, 2012

Another week behind us

Once we get into our work mode, we put in a lot of effort, doing whatever needs to be done.  Our workday ends at 4:00 and we are usually too fatigued to write blogs.  That’s how it turned out this past week. 

The painting of the classroom areas was completed and moved into the office area.  The guys in our group worked in some local houses where people need help maintaining things. Thursday night we celebrated the end of our work week, and the birthday of one of our members, with a dinner at SquidLips, a local seafood grill. 
On Friday we all did our own things. While others did laundry and relaxing, we went sightseeing to Daytona Beach:
It was high tide with a strong wind off the Atlantic, so not much beach activity was going on.  A pretty dreary, gray day.

In the evening, we took a walk to a neighboring chuch’s live nativity scene, complete with a live baby, and a cast of dozens.  We kept on walking to a neighborhood known for their lighting displays, then returned to our RVs.  This walk added up to about 5 miles, so Saturday we stayed off our feet.  Paige did laundry, Bob took a quick motorcycle ride, and then we spent some time at Barnes and Noble – one of Paige’s favorite stores – on Saturday.

Only 4 work days left!!  We’re ready for a little break and a trip to Minnesota for Christmas. 

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